
Faces in the Sky

It's always funny to review your old writing... By the last line, you can obviously tell that I had a message in mind, but that message was not conveyed very well. What was I thinking when I came up with these metaphors? Oh well... Here is an unedited poem from 11-year-old me :)

Faces in the Sky
The gentle summer breeze whispers softly in my ear
Warmth comes from beneath me
From the tattered towel
Fresh from the dryer
I lay there on my back
Gazing into space
The clear night sky is glorious
Stars are freckles to the sky’s face
Some are dull
Some sparkle like a million diamonds
Then there is the moon
The simple full moon
This is the smile
This is laughter
The milky white teeth of the mouth, of the sky’s face
After an eternity of waiting
It happened
So suddenly you are not even sure it did
It was a glint of light
Rapidly across the night sky
The end of something old
The start of something new
The spark of an idea
The flashy stars are freckles to the sky’s face
The moon is happiness
The shooting star is an idea
None are stupid
None are dumb
All are different
Broaden your horizons
All ideas are magnificent

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